Michelle coaches with a systemic view and considers clients’ growth and goals within the context of the systems they operate. Through systemic lenses, Michelle supports leaders and their teams in exploring their relationship to stakeholders and the wider organization, in addition to gaining clarity on their purpose and deliverables. There is both a focus on individual roles as well as team dynamics. Collectively, Michelle harnesses the power of the team and develops it to meet its purpose and objectives.

A firm believer of values-based leadership, Michelle journeys with clients to uncover their personal values and brand of leadership. With insights to underlying motivations, clients are empowered to lead from their values, and create impact and results they wish to achieve. Michelle works with leaders to create compelling visions for themselves and their organisations that are aligned to both personal values and those of the organization. Michelle is also passionate in helping clients find clarity, purpose, and satisfaction in their careers. By uncovering career and personal values, as well as determining individual motivated skills set, Michelle supports clients in charting their career trajectory and making intentional career choices.

Michelle has had experience facilitating different Leadership Development Workshops and Learning Groups in both the private and public sectors in Singapore. Areas of focus include Leadership Development, Personal Effectiveness, Personal Resourcefulness, Personal Mastery, Teambuilding, Visioning, and Career Facilitation. Clients include Defence Science Organization (DSO) Singapore, CHANEL Inc and LinkedIn. In addition, Michelle also facilitated Management Offsites/ Retreats for Daimler Commercial Vehicles Southeast Asia.

Through Team Action Learning, Michelle leverages the potential of the team as a learning system by drawing them together to solve complex problems and develop their individual leadership edge. Through reflective listening and insightful questioning, Michelle holds the space for the team to synergistically solve problems, organically create their own learning, and apply these learnings to the organization.

In these 12 years, Michelle has had the opportunity to coach Regional and Local Managers, Business Heads, Heads of Departments, and Team Leaders from global MNCs in the industrial sector, banking, logistics, hotel, and FMCG industries. With 11 years’ prior corporate HR experience at UBS AG, a global financial services institution, she is well- positioned to provide strategic HR advisory and people solutions to help businesses attain their goals. Michelle’s areas of expertise include Personal Effectiveness and Resourcefulness, Leadership Development, Leadership Branding, Talent Development, and Career Advisory.

As a certified LEGO Serious Play (LSP) facilitator, Michelle has harnessed the effectiveness of the LSP Process for Teambuilding Workshops for SONY and GovTech. These workshops combine LSP with personality assessment tools to help teams leverage on team members’ strengths, find opportunities for collaboration and enhance team dynamics for greater team effectiveness and performance. Michelle weaves elements of LSP into her coaching conversations which allows clients to convey their thoughts and stories in LEGO models, thus drawing out the unconscious to the surface; and make the intangible concrete. Using LEGO models to externalize and express their thoughts, clients are freed from inhibitions that may otherwise disrupt the flow of conversation.

Certified Facilitator – LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method, Association of Master Trainers in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method
Certified Facilitator – Meeting of The Minds, Emergenetics Asia Pacific
Certified Facilitator – Team Psychological Safety Workshop, Asio Consulting, Thailand
Certified Facilitator – Team Effectiveness Workshop, ORP Institute, Korea
Certified Trainer – Building a Learning Organisation, World Institute for Action Learning
Certified Trainer – Leading With Questions, World Institute for Action Learning
Certified Trainer – The Extraordinary Leader, Zenger Folkman, USA

Associate Coach and Facilitator, Civil Service College, Singapore 
Associate Coach and Facilitator, BTS Group, Singapore
Associate Coach, BestofMe, Singapore
Associate Coach, GP Strategies, UK
Member, International Coach Federation (ICF)
Member, Institute of Coaching (IoC)

Bachelor of Arts (Merit), National University of Singapore
Graduate Diploma in Human Capital Management (Bronze),
Singapore Human Resources Institute Certificate in English-Chinese Translation and Interpretation, Temasek Polytechnic

Emergenetics – Emergenetics International, Singapore
Everything DiSC – OTi Consulting, Singapore
Knowdell Career Sort Cards – The Career Development Network, USA
Team Psychological Safety – Asio Consulting, Thailand
Team Effectiveness Survey – ORP Institute, Korea
Team Connect 360 – Academy of Executive Coaches, UK
Zenger Folkman Extraordinary Leader 360 – Zenger Folkman, USA