For leaders who want to challenge themselves, who want to expand their leadership capabilities, and lead themselves and their teams to the next level.

What we Offer

Individual Leadership Coaching

Coaching provides you the space to press the ‘pause’ button so you can revaluate what is really important to you now. Take time to delve deeper to uncover your values which are the roots that make you who you are.

“Coaching is a conversation — a dialogue between a coach and a coachee in a dynamic exchange to achieve goals, enhance performance, and move the coachee forward to greater success within a productive, results-oriented context. A coach engages in a collaborative alliance with the coachee to establish and clarify purpose and goals. Together, they develop a plan of action to achieve these goals.” Michelle Lim, Founder of Higher Ground Coaching & Consulting

Benefits : 

  • understand your profile
  • get insight on how the dynamics in your team and organisation influence your success
  • uncover inner resources that you already have to overcome your challenges
  • make decisions consciously and conscientiously
  • live out your core values

What the Client Says

"I was able to see how a couple of really well thought through piercing questions can truly change a conversation.”
Senior Culture and Talent Director
Data-Analytics Company, Singapore

Find out More About...

Clarify your personal vision, values and purpose to achieve successful goals.

Partnering your team to reach their professional potential using Systemic Team Coaching (STC).​

Developing a customised process with your team to enable one another to discover their own solutions.

Co-creating leadership journeys with you to meet your greatest challenges with confidence.​